Most interesting links of July ’13

This month focuses on languages and approaches (reactive programming, F#, Erlang, FP talks etc.), agile (need for speed, recommended books), Clojure/Linux/cloud tools and libs. Recommended Readings Development, agile The Need For Speed – the top 10 reasons for fast development flow (with time to market being one of the less important) – more learning, focusContinue reading “Most interesting links of July ’13”

Running A Leiningen/Ring Webapp As A Daemon Via Upstart (Ubuntu)

Running a Java/Clojure app as a daemon on Linux used to be hard but is pretty simple with Ubuntu Upstart (docs). The short story: Create an all-in one uberjar via “lein with-profile production ring uberjar” (using the lein-ring plugin; a simple lein uberjar would suffice for an app with a main- method) Create an upstartContinue reading “Running A Leiningen/Ring Webapp As A Daemon Via Upstart (Ubuntu)”

The Invisible Benefits Of Pair-Programming: Avoiding Wasteful Coding Excursions

There has been recently an article about how bad, expensive, and wasteful pair-programming is, since you need double as many developers. It used lines of code (LoC) produced per hour as the main metric. As many have commented, LoC is not the best measure, actually just the opposite, as I want to demonstrate on myContinue reading “The Invisible Benefits Of Pair-Programming: Avoiding Wasteful Coding Excursions”