Seam Tutorial 1.2: RichFaces and paged table (datascroller)

In this two-part tutorial you will learn how to get started with the development of Seam applications with RichFaces using Eclipse with JBoss Tools. In the 1st part we’ve set up our environment, created, and run an empty shell Seam application. In this 2nd part we will create a simple web page with a tableContinue reading “Seam Tutorial 1.2: RichFaces and paged table (datascroller)”

The Forgotten Hells or God Save North Korea!

I intended this as an exclusively technological blog but after seeing the movie Yodok Stories yesterday I feel I can’t keep silent on the subject. I’m even more touched by the movie because the first years of my life I spent myself in a communist dictatorship though it was already in its last stage andContinue reading “The Forgotten Hells or God Save North Korea!”

When will we see JSR 286 in JSF portlets?

Since June 2008 we have the final release of Portlet 2.0 (JSR 286) specification bringing the long sought after features like inter-portlet communication (IPC – events, shared/public render parameters), support for Ajax (resource request), portlet filters and more. It’s already implemented in the latest versions of leading portals including Liferay 5.0, JBoss 2.7, Websphere 6.1Continue reading “When will we see JSR 286 in JSF portlets?”

Seam Tutorial 1.1: RichFaces and paged table (datascroller)

In this two-part tutorial you will learn how to get started with the development of Seam applications with RichFaces using Eclipse with JBoss Tools. In the 2nd part we will create a simple page with a table presenting data on multiple pages using Ajax and its model stored as a POJO Component in the SeamContinue reading “Seam Tutorial 1.1: RichFaces and paged table (datascroller)”