Most interesting links of December ’12

Recommended Readings Software development Kent Beck: When Worse Is Better: Incrementally Escaping Local Maxima – Kent reintroduces his Sprinting Centipede strategy (“reduce the cost of each change as much as possible so as to enable small changes to be chained together nearly continuously” => “From the outside it is clear that big changes are happening,Continue reading “Most interesting links of December ’12”

What Is Clean Code? – In Quotes

What is actually good, clean code? Why does it matter? Marry Poppendieck has, in her excellent talk Deliberate Practice in Software Development (slides), quoted a couple of leading figures of our industry on what is clean code. (Emphasis is mine.) Bjarne Stroustrup, inventor of C++: I like my code to be elegant and efficient. TheContinue reading “What Is Clean Code? – In Quotes”