Most interesting links of January ’12

Recommended Readings Jeff Sutherland: Powerful Strategy for Defect Prevention: Improve the Quality of Your Product – “A classic paper from IBM shows how they systematically reduced defects by analyzing root cause. The cost of implementing this practice is less than the cost of fixing defects that you will have if you do not implement itContinue reading “Most interesting links of January ’12”

Troubleshooting Jersey REST Server and Client

The logging in Jersey, the reference JAX-RS implementation, is little sub-optimal. For example if it cannot find a method producing the expected MIME type then it will return “Unsupported mime type” to the client but won’t log anything (which mime type was requested, which mime types are actually available, …).  Debugging it isn’t exactly easyContinue reading “Troubleshooting Jersey REST Server and Client”

How to Create Maintainable Acceptance Tests

This post summarizes what I’ve learned from various sources about making acceptance or black-box tests maintainable. This topic is of great interest to me because I believe in the benefits that acceptance tests can bring (such as living documentation) but I’m also very much aware that it is all too easy to create an unmaintainableContinue reading “How to Create Maintainable Acceptance Tests”

Visualize Maven Project Dependencies with dependency:tree and Dot Diagram Output

The dependency:tree goal of the Maven plugin dependency supports various graphical outputs from the version 2.4 up. This is how you would create a diagram showing all dependencies in the com.example group in the dot format: (The output is just a text file with the extension Graphviz gv.) To actually produce an image from theContinue reading “Visualize Maven Project Dependencies with dependency:tree and Dot Diagram Output”

Key Lessons from the Specification by Example Course, Day 1

I’m taking part in a course of Specification by Example, lead by Gojko Adzic. Here I want to summarize the key things I’ve learned in the first day of this entertaining and fruitful course thanks to both Gojko and my co-participants. If you haven’t heard about Specification by Example (SbE) before (really?!), then you needContinue reading “Key Lessons from the Specification by Example Course, Day 1”


Some guy from uCertify, which offers preparation kits for various programming exams in Java and other areas, asked me to review their PrepKit service. I hadn’t really the time to do so but I’m sure it’s awsome,  and it even work on Macs. So if you want to prepare for an exam, you might considerContinue reading “uCertify”