Most interesting links of September

Recommended Readings J. Yip: It’s Not Just Standing Up: Patterns for Daily Standup Meetings – it isn’t easy to make stand-up meetings short, focused, energizing, and centered around continuous improvements and team spirit. This description of an example good standup, the meeting’s goals, and especially the “patterns” and “bad smells” can be pretty useful to get andContinue reading “Most interesting links of September”

Inspect Your Webapp in a Live Environment Interactively with GroovyConsole

Have you ever needed to check the state of your webapp’s objects/Session/.. to find out why the hell something doesn’t work or have you had to learn a weird 3rd party API that is only available on the server? Then you were doomed … until the publication of GroovyConsole. JeeUtils GroovyConsole provides a JSP page thatContinue reading “Inspect Your Webapp in a Live Environment Interactively with GroovyConsole”

JUnit Tip: Verifying that an Exception with a Particular Message was Thrown

JUnit has a hidden treasure which makes it easy to do something we have long longed for – namely not only to verify that an exception of a particular type has been thrown but also that its message contains the expected message. The hidden pearl is the @Rule ExpectedException and its JavaDoc documents well howContinue reading “JUnit Tip: Verifying that an Exception with a Particular Message was Thrown”

Link: Advanced Usage of JUnit Theories, Multiple DataPoints, and ParameterSuppliers

It is surprising how difficult it is to find documentation for some JUnit features such as Theories. May be they haven’t bothered to write it because it is still considered “experimental” (even though included in JUnit since 4.4). As usually we have to rely on Jens Schauder’s blog and I’d like to draw your attentionContinue reading “Link: Advanced Usage of JUnit Theories, Multiple DataPoints, and ParameterSuppliers”

Practical Introduction into Code Injection with AspectJ, Javassist, and Java Proxy

The ability to inject pieces of code into compiled classes and methods, either statically or at runtime, may be of immense help. This applies especially to troubleshooting problems in third-party libraries without source codes or in an environment where it isn’t possible to use a debugger or a profiler. Code injection is also useful forContinue reading “Practical Introduction into Code Injection with AspectJ, Javassist, and Java Proxy”

DRY: Use JUnit @Rule Instead of Repeating Setup/@Before in Each Test

I was for a long time unhappy that DbUnit Express users have to create a @Before method in each test just to get the test database initialized. Fortunately since version 1.3.0 they don’t need to do it anymore thanks to JUnit Rules (if you are not familiar with them, they are an alternative to @Before/@After and @BeforeClass/@AfterClass, readContinue reading “DRY: Use JUnit @Rule Instead of Repeating Setup/@Before in Each Test”

DbUnit Express 1.3 is Even Easier to Use and Still Better

The DbUnit Express 1.3.0 (a thin wrapper around DbUnit to speed up DB testing) released today introduces features that make it even easier to write a DB unit test, the most interesting ones are the introduction of EmbeddedDbTesterRule which can automatically execute its onSetup thanks to JUnit’s @Rule (example) and the addition of setDataSet(fileName), which searchesContinue reading “DbUnit Express 1.3 is Even Easier to Use and Still Better”