Backup WD MyCloud to S3/Glacier with duplicity (build instructions included)

How to back up your precious files stored on the WD My Cloud NAS into S3 with the slow but low-cost storage class “Glacier”. How does the backup work: duplicity does its job and uploads files to S3. The large data archives are recognized by S3 Lifecycle rules that we set up based on theirContinue reading “Backup WD MyCloud to S3/Glacier with duplicity (build instructions included)”

Manually restoring raw partclone partition image to a VMWare

This post sums up how to manually restore a partition backup create by Clonezilla (using partclone) into a VMware virtual machine, which can be then either executed or its (virtual) disk mounted. The difficult points are “manual” and “partition backup” (would be much easier with a full disk backup). Normally I restore a backup byContinue reading “Manually restoring raw partclone partition image to a VMWare”

An encrypted backup of a disk/partition to a Samba share with Clonezilla

You will learn how to customize Clonezilla Live (v. 1.2.5-24) for an easy backup of a partition (or a disk) to an encrypted file stored on a remote Samba server and how to test the backup by restoring it to a VMware virtual machine. We will few scripts to simplify the task, including a customContinue reading “An encrypted backup of a disk/partition to a Samba share with Clonezilla”